HYGGE:DSIGN - We Create Hygge in Provence


HYGGE:DSIGN - We Create Hygge in Provence



Colour and your personality

11 questions designed to help you discover your authentic colour personality and design style

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1. What is your favourite way to entertain guest for dinner?

A. Everyone seated at one long table, laden with plates of food whitch they can help themselves; plenty of lively conversation

B. An elegant set table in a candle-lit dining room, full of Old World charm

C. A picnic in sunshine, with lots of fun and games

D. Perfection - you might get a chef in or take guests to a Michelin-starred restaurant

2. Which primary colour do you prefer?

A. Green

B. Blue

C. Yellow

D. Red

3.What is your favourite kind of social event?

A. Sitting round a fire with friends, talking deep into the night

B. The ballet or a classic concert

C. Musical theatre; something fun done on the spur of the moment

D. An opening night or a premiere; a fashionable party

4. What is your favourite type of jewellery?

A. Irregular style and shape, with an organic, natural look to it, made of copper, bronze, wood or amber

B. Brushed silver or white gold and pearls; nothing heavy, flashy or ostentatious

C. Light bright gold, sapphires, emeralds, opals; things that sparkle, have movement and catch the light

D. Statement pieces; diamonds, rubies, black pearls, platinium

5. Would you describe yourself as:

A. Sympathetic and interested in other people

B. A quiet observer

C. Outgoing and playful

D. Self-assured, determined and driven

6. How do you like to spend your time off?

A. Walking in nature or visiting an archaeological site

B. Quietly, by a still lake

C. On the beach, playing in the waves

D. Lying poolside sipping cocktails

7. What is most important to you in a home?

A. A cosy, homely feel (HYGGE)

B. Balance and proportion

C. Plenty of natural light

D. Simplicity and order

8. What is your favourite type of film?

A. Historically based, biopic or nature documentary

B. An old romantic black-and-white

C. Comedy, preferably slapstick humour

D. Film noir or arthouse

9. You are called on to resolve a problem at work. What do you do?

A. Solicit other people's opinions and consider everyoneelse's view

B. Remain cool, calm and diplomatic in your search for the perfect solution

C. Enthusiastically motivate others to help solve the problem

D. Gather all the facts; stay single-minded and focused on getting the right result

10. What kind of music do you like to listen to?

A. Country and western, folk, Indie

B. Classical

C. Pop music, musicals

D. Opera, avant-garde jazz

11. A friend is upset. What do you do?

A. You sympathize deeply, giving all your time and energy, and not leaving until you know they are going to be okay

B. Quietly and calmly set about finding a way to help them

C. You try to cheer them up

D. You focus on fixing the problem

Now that you have answered each question, total up the corresponding letters to find out what personality type you are.

Mostly A:


In the home

Fashion style


Mostly B:


In the home

Fashion style


Mostly C:


In the home

Fashion style


Mostly D:


In the home

Fashion style



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